

Fixing Uganda Water Drill –  The equipment has arrived in Bulike!  The taxing authorities cleared the equipment TAX FREE and released to UCSS.

Medical Clinic in Haiti – Praise God! The Medical Clinic is complete!  Please be in prayer as Haiti needs healing and staff and medicines for the clinic.

Habitat Home – We are joyfully anticipating the start of our build – Keep your eyes peeled for sign up sheets!

Life Center for Homeless – Fell on extremely hard times and had to use the money to pay utility bills, but hopefully they will be trained soon by a Christ Church member on how to fix the current beds themselves

YOU’VE REACHED OUR GOAL and then some!

If you ever want to observe the tangible goodness of God and his kingdom on earth….well, as Dorothy says, “You don’t have to look any further than your own backyard.“

In October of 2022, this church was challenged to raise $80,000 to help with four, large mission projects.  By November 10, we received $166,149!

Myself and your Mission Committee thank you deeply and we will meet to discern the distribution of your “over the rainbow” generosity to these four worthy causes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here at church or email your Mission Chair, Olinda Jehovics at osjehovics@gmail.com 

Yours in His service, Renee Teel, Missions Director

What Are We So Serious About?

Throughout our history, each time Christ Church becomes aware of a big need in the community, this congregation gets serious about heeding God’s call and responds in BIG ways. During Covid, you responded with huge donations to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry and Family Promise. Now we have four large, impactful mission projects that need our help.

So let’s get serious by raising $80,000, so Christ Church can:

  • Fix the broken water drill so we can bring Clean Water Back to the Village of Bulike (Uganda)
  • Build a home for a family struggling with generational poverty (Habitat for Humanity)
  • Build a Medical Clinic in the Village of Olivier (Haiti)
  • Secure sturdy, clean beds for homeless to sleep in Houston (The Life Center for the Homeless)

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